Is being Healthy important to you?INTRODUCTION TO MEDICINE WITCH
To better orient you to my services as a Medicine Witch, let me clarify what I can and cannot support you with. Let’s say I was a mechanic and you were needing a body shop. I could work on your engine, but I would be ill equipped to paint your car or repair dents. A certified medical professional is someone who can run diagnostic tests to confirm ailments or disease. I do have 20 years experience working in Mental Health. It is my understanding that the mind-body connection has the ability to create disease or to improve our well-being. I use the word Medicine in the very practical sense. It is a course of treatment and an understanding of modalities that can help bring balance to your life and repair disease. Second, I identify as a Witch in that the roots of the word means wise woman who has a unique skills set to provide insight and healing. It’s important that if you choose to work with me we come to the understanding that I cannot tell the future and my services are not steeped in folklore. They are rooted in neuroscience, naturopathic medicine, and holistic practices. I hold very firm boundaries drawn from traditional ethical guidelines in regards to my services, which fall under three unique categories: Intuitive Guidance, Holistic Consultation, or Relationship Counseling. Each of these specialties focuses on a unique area of healing or repair. I cannot diagnose or bill insurance for my services. I can provide insight into how to best care for yourself and what healing modalities will support you in doing so. If you are interested in enrolling in the mind-body education I offer or receiving healing services please see the price list to determine if you can spend the money needed to get the best care possible. Wishing you Well-Being Rebekah “River” Freedom. |
True Magick
Oracle CardSOracle card readings are good for when you feel haunted by the past and want to move forward or if you need guidance making a decision. Each reading is unique and tailored to what needs to be addressed in your life.
Being a WitchDisrespect will not be tolerated. When working with a witch it is important to understand that she has suffered trials and tribulations that allow her to bring wise insight to your circumstances. Show up with humility and reverence for Magick.
Healing the bodyWitchcraft is founded on rituals. We now know the words we repeat have and impact on how our genes are activated. This is called Epigenetics. A medical medium session with Rebekah will give you insight into how to balance your energy and bring healing to your body.
WEALTHDo more of what you love and magnetize wealth to you through clearing blocks to your true worth.
Book your healingEmail me for more information or Text
"Medicine Witch" to 910-541-3198 Email Address |